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Meet the Principal

Greetings Dutch Creek Community,

I have recently challenged myself with being present and finding joy in even the smallest moments of each day. With a busy and bustling school building, sometimes it is difficult to pause, be present, and find joy, but it has truly made a difference! There is so much to be proud of, happy for, and excited about at Dutch Creek. The beautiful artwork on the walls, the smiles and “good mornings” at the front door, the chatter and laughter coming from the cafe each afternoon, and peaceful snuggles from our preschoolers during nap time are just to name a few joyful moments of my everyday. No matter how busy we all are, I encourage you to pause, be present, and find joy in the small moments of your lives. Each day is packed full of them!

I’m sure you have noticed the new addition of outdoor seating. Thanks to PTSA’s organization of the 2021 Boosterthon Dance Off, and the community’s participation, we were able to purchase 8 heavy-duty, weatherproof picnic tables for students, staff, and community members to enjoy. There are 3 tables in the front of the building near the flag pole, and there are 5 down in the “old outdoor amphitheater”.  This area hasn’t been used in years, and our new purpose for this area is to turn it into an outdoor eating space for students when the weather is warmer. Students can enjoy lunch in the sun and head immediately to the playground when they are finished. We are so thankful for this beautiful addition to our building!

Looking ahead to later in this month, we have our PTSA Boosterthon Fun Run! This is our major fundraising event for this year and we encourage everyone to participate in any way they can. Last year we were able to raise over $25,000 and I think we can beat that this year! The money raised in this event will go towards mental health and social/emotional wellbeing for students. PTSA has discussed various options for this money such as gardening (indoor and out), sensory materials, active body engagement materials, support staff options, and much more. We choose to focus our fundraising efforts on one main event each year, and the money means a lot to a small school like Dutch Creek. Please be on the lookout for more specific information from your classroom teachers and from PTSA about this important event.

Please remember that students need to dress appropriately for the weather. Coats, hats, gloves, and boots are essential, especially if students want to play outside at recess. Additionally, the street and sidewalks along Roxbury can be extremely icy. Our facilities team does an amazing job cleaning snow and ice, but please be careful as you are walking to and from school. And as a reminder, cars are not allowed to park on Roxbury to drop off or pick up students. Please be safe by using our crosswalks, and please be respectful to our staff members out there before and after school. They are doing the best they can to ensure that our children are safe.

With Joy,
Principal Sara Oliver